Although this one is a little late, it's one that I think is very important. Shannon and I are both very blessed to have wonderful parents to model for us what family and marriage is suppose to be like. We take a moment again to say a big thank you and we love you!! As we entered the world of marriage with kids, we had no idea what it was truely going to be like. Do any of us??? :)
I can tell you that it has been an adventure that we have absolutely loved. Kids bring a dimension to your world that is indescribable. They can take a bad day and turn into one of the best days ever in a blink of an eye. They can also send you from smiling to pulling your hair out in .5 seconds as well, but we will not focus on that today. :)
I am thankful to have a loving wife who loves me 2nd to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She is a wonderful mother to our 2 kids and always works her hardest to help us make it as a family. She fulfills the role of mom to the nth degree and my kids are blessed to have her as a mother.
My prayer everyday as a dad is that I can always be the man of God that the Lord wants me to be. To teach my children how to grow up loving the Lord and wanting a relationship with Him. When we take a second to really reflect on the responsibility that comes with being a parent, it can be a very scary thing. Yet I think that there is no better blessing in life than to put your whole heart into your kids and help shepherd their hearts.
I pray that my kids will be able to one day have a family of their own. I hope that they can look back on their times of growing up in our household and TobyMac would say...
Love is in the house and the house is packed
So much so I left the back door cracked
Mama always said it's a matter of fact
that when love is in the house the house is packed
Our world today is seeing more and more families not making it,so I pray right now that you protect your marriage and fight for it. Put Christ first in your marriage and make a conscious effort daily to walk with Him as you walk through life with your spouse and your kids. The passage below is one of my favorites that I keep as a reminder of God's command for us as parents to our children. May it bless you as well.
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
I am so thankful for our godly parents, as well as a godly husband! Thank you for blogging our lives. Poor babies won't have scrapbooks, but they will always have their dadies blog!