Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 - A New Way?

As my wife and I closed out 2009 with a wonderful dinner date to Flemings ( I would encourage all to partake of this restaurant at least once in your life!!), we began to talk about the 5 million things that are already on the calendar for 2010. Even though the first day of the new year has not even begun yet, there are things already looked forward to and planned out on paper (Tennessee vs Kansas basketball trip and Guatemala wedding trip to name a couple). The beginning of a new year is always exciting for many because it brings a sense of "starting over." The previous year is always different for all. For some, it was filled with wonderful memories such as getting married, finding out that you are pregnant, maybe getting a job just to name a couple. For some, it was a year of struggling with some painful/sad memories involved. The beginning of a new year always brings about a time of reflection and an inner want to make the next year better. New goals are set, bad habits are targeted to eliminate, and the overall persona of a clean slate comes as a refreshing thought to many. Yet, should it be a new year that always brings about the thoughts and development of a new way?

Jesus says in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Many times we lose focus of the fact that the Lord is chasing us and there for us daily. We often get caught in our daily routines and within those same routines, we have habits that we really don't like in our lives. Instead of facing these things and turning them over to Him, we just keep rolling along in life letting these things get the best of us most times. Know that although this is the first day of a brand new year, the way we feel about the first day of a new year is the way we can and should feel about each day the Lord blesses us with. We should live each day for Him meaning that every time we wake up and our feet hit the floor, we should evaluate where we are in our relationship and walk with Our Savior. Make everyday count as a new day, not a new way.

Our "way" should always be Jesus. We will all face our own personal struggles and challenges in this new year we have entered into. Many of us on this day will make a commitment to stop doing certain things, or start doing certain things. We will all experience the good and the bad of 2010. May our hearts be renewed daily yet may our "way" never change.

Shane and Shane sing a song called "Great Reward." This song is my prayer for 2010.

May God bless your 2010!!

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