Monday, June 21, 2010


Since summer provides so much time with the children, we decided to try to do some things to really make being home fun for the summer. When school is in, the routine day would consist of Shannon and I both working, getting the kids around 5, eating around 6, bath at 7, and bed around 8. It's pretty routine, but keeping our kids on that schedule has really made life easy for us as they have gotten older. Well summertime is a much different animal. For whatever reason, the time span of 4 to 8 seems like an eternity, if there is nothing setup for the little ones. :) I will be the first to admit that many times the "please go to your room and watch a movie" phrase sounds very appealing. But they are of the age now where they want to be with mom and dad doing stuff. They don't want to go watch TV or go "play." Now don't get me wrong, they can do both very well. But many times we think summertime is about being "off", "vacation", "chillin", and all little people under five don't grasp these concepts very well.

So we have decided to implement some different stuff throughout the summer to mix it up for the kids and make summer and family time fun and adventurous. We decided tonight to do a movie night. We will not name Monday nights "movie night" yet, but I am sure down the line that will be something that we want to do. We grabbed our blankets and mom popped us all some popcorn, and we let the kids pick their movie. They decided on Tweety bird movie. What a great movie.....not. But it made them happy and kept them watching for at least a little while.

I know that it will not be very long before the kids will think that they are too cool to hangout with mom and dad, so we are soaking up every minute we can while they still like us. :) The Lord has truly blessed us and I know our children will continue to like us for a long time.

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him. Psalm 127:3


  1. movie nights should involve pj's- shannon looks like she is going OUT to a movie not staying in. HA! sounds fun. i'll send my boys over for the next one ;)

  2. IF ONLY...Pawpaw would not have lost our "movie" - Then movie night could be fun for EVERYONE! Do you think they would love it as much as we did? I often wonder - why were we so attracted to that movie mix? Was that all they had or did we just love it?

    Keep summer REAL! ha!
