Saturday, February 13, 2010


As often as we have fun in the sun during the summer, very rarely do we get to have fun.....IN THE SNOW!!! We doubled up on Friday and Saturday and had an absolute blast. From building a snowman, to making snow ice cream, to just pummeling each other with snowballs, the snow created an awesome set of memories. This was the first real snow that Caden and Lala had truly experienced. We got a dusting last year and Caden was able to slide down the hill and do a little bit, but nowhere near the fun that we had this weekend with it.

We spent Friday playing at our house and Saturday playing at Bitsy and Poppi's. Poppi broke out the lawnmower and the sleds and the kids got to ride around and have a great time. We also had a fun snowball fight, adults and kids!! :) Overall, the snow was a fun experience, but glad that I don't live somewhere that has to deal with lots of snow daily. Wouldn't want to do it. I will just take my 1 or 2 days every couple of years and be content and happy with that.


1 comment:

  1. it was fun! love the post. you will be glad you are blogging and keeping record of all this fun stuff! love the guat post too. long, but good! :)
